Friday, July 11, 2008

Hiking up the mountain

A couple of us decided that we’d hike up the mountain to the gondola. The idea was that we wanted to hike up to see how far we could get, but also because it was a beautiful day, we did not want to take the bus. Plan foiled however, when a ways up the mountain the sidewalk stopped. And…when I say stopped, I mean it just stopped right before the road took a ridiculous curve up. At first, we thought we would brave it. That is…until a motorcycle, several cars and a bus came zooming down the curve at excessive rates of speed of speed. The motorcycle was going the fastest, but the cars and bus were so close that I would have pulled at TEC and let them pass me.

Although we did not make it up the mountain on foot, it was an awesome hike with beautiful views of the city. I’m uploading pictures from the hike. As we began our descent we walked down some stairs and into a private driveway. Oopps! The man in the yard did not speak English, so we quickly continued down his even steeper driveway to the street. It was an exciting hike on the mountain to say the least and then into the East part of town across a covered foot bridge.

Lesson for the day…take the bus to the gondola or get on the lowest gondola in Old Town.

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