Sunday, July 13, 2008

Munich...Dachau and the Hofbra Haus

Yesterday Lauren and I went to Munich for the day. We had decided we'd take a tour of Dachau first to get some history, etc. and then head to the Hofbra Haus for some entertainment. Dachau was a sobering experience to say the least. I'm glad we went because it was definitely a lesson in history, but I did not find it as upsetting as the Holocaust museum in D.C. I think that was more depressing because there were many more personal items in D.C. than at Dachau. But, the buildings were stark and even chilly yesterday in July, so I can't imagine how cold and dreary it would be during the winter months.

The Hofbra Haus was fun and busy! It's huge and there are tables of people everywhere. We sat really close to a band that was playing. They were really cute and all were dressed in lederhosen! There was also a 'wench' walking around selling huge pretzels. Unfortunately, I didn't see anyone carrying a large number of beer steins like I've seen on TV. I guess I'll just have to go back!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope you stocked up on those pretzels so the next time you aer served meat, gravy, and dumplings you will have something to eat.